Our investment portfolio
Since its inception OnePlanetCapital has invested in the following companies. Please get in touch if you’d like to add your company to our growing portfolio or join our community of investors.
Xworks Tech
Xworks is your solution, streamlining waste handling, trading, and more. Say goodbye to daily frustrations and hello to efficient, confident networking.
Perceptual Robotics
Perceptual Robotics have created an autonomous blade inspection solution for wind turbines using drones powered by AI.
Travel Time
TravelTime have developed a multi modal transport data technology allowing its clients to instantly calculate thousands of travel times for public transport, driving, walking, cycling or any combination of modes, instead of defaulting to straight line distances.
Work with us
Whether you are an investor looking for opportunities in the climate and environmental sector or an entrepreneur seeking investment for your business an idea you can expect a first rate and professional experience.
The OPC syndicate
OPC Syndicate is open to investors and family offices and those whose circumstances do not for whatever reason suit a fund structure. We will be accepting applications for our syndicate from the start of January 2024.